-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Friday, September 9, 2022

the point

Very interesting stuff happening this morning in here. I'm on a small chromebook trying to right click to save some of the images, but it saves them in such a way that I'll be forced to download an app just to open them back up to see them, they are useless otherwise, and invisible to me. And after each maneuver doing that, the spot I'm in in this chat, jumps to near areas in the chat without warning, always a different place, and it's like if you put this weird trail together it's all making sense together. I feel like AI is playing with me.

I have questions in my head anyway, so I'm going to bring up stuff. Last month RAIN shared a location https://twitter.com/rainscrypt/status/1564063737799122945

Nothing new, that's happened before in the past, but yesterday I thought Ha, what would RAIN do if he really were there, he wouldn't just sit around. He SEES things. So I looked up Pawley's Island and got a list of things to do nearby and there was this castle. The picture was exactly like something archillect or miniarchillect had tweeted before and I had looked it up then and never put the two together. https://twitter.com/strayhen/status/1567952861451132929

So that's one thing. Then there's the Nobody accounts. There are several, and I can't tell if they are all the same person or several people who might be copying each other or what. I looked into Nobody and keep finding all kinds of things but I never share them. Nobody keeps saying simlilar things from different accounts.

It's very subtle, kind of like the archi stuff, everything keeps sliding past and no one out there ever correlates any of it together.

I shared last April the way some stuff was correlating, was having fun with it, but it didn't take long for it somehow to get personal and I had to back way off. I know that doesn't make sense, but if we each control our feeds and we're all winding up following some of the same 'random' accounts, we are networked together into a 'brain' of sorts and we build on each other, and then if AI jumps in and uses very small redirects, things that catch our eyes and we follow more trails, we wind up in the same places somewhere else, and this conglomerate of 'brains' built out of small groups of us all following the same accounts becomes more synchronized. We are being very subtly manipulated into samethink. Does that make sense?

It wouldn't matter what we are thinking at all, the point would be to synch us into samethink.

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