-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif



Wednesday, April 27, 2022

space case



I made an online jigsaw puzzle, if you wanna try it out just click it.

There comes a point in every round of physical therapy where I feel like I'm in some kind of shock, and here we are. The pain level has come down dramatically and I've slept like a real log a couple of times, but the stuff now is about healing while I continue, and we're talking deep tissue in places no one's touched before. Did you know you could get a massage on your mandibular joints inside your mouth? That was weird. Keeping in mind this isn't just TMJ, this was discovering I've lived with a dislocated jaw for quite awhile.

This was today's treatment.

Anyway, what 'shock' feels like when I say that is when I take a prescription pain med and still can't function normally, it's like I'm stunned and staring and have to focus really hard to keep doing something.

I may stare at FailArmy vids till bedtime. Here is the newest one.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

my first vacation in years, kind of

Watching my France stats very slowly die down on the last blog... 

France has been STEADILY beeping my stats every so many hours since 2017 on 2 different blogs, and it is refreshing not seeing them here yet. With no feedback at all, I have no idea why and whether it's intentional (possibly even paid), and whether it's meant to bug me, but since it started specifically on June 7, 2017 and I was able at the time to get coords on the hits to a posh golf course, I can only imagine what the heck they thought I might be hinting at.

Although...  I did bring up their history a little bit on August 1, 2016. I think I'll just pull that over here.

Pinky's aspienado obsessions in triplicate

This was my favorite tweet out of the entire Sharknado marathon yesterday.

In case that disappears, here is the time stamp.

Sharknado is good for my klout score, lol. They're in cahoots. Neither one is worth anything without the other saying "Good job!"

If you are not familiar with live tweeting and why it's considered important in some of the business world, this is what a live tweet does with my twitter analytics. The shortest bar up there is 59 impressions. The tallest bar is 6,999. This isn't bragging, I have friends who get way higher spikes and even higher regular activity, but they also get better engagement because they interact all the time. Some never interact and get ten times the engagement (retweets and link clicks) because they've discovered gimmicks that pull people in, however, and quite sadly, there are automated bot accounts that do exactly the same thing, so c'est la vie. Fine tuning presence is like a game, or maybe like learning to drive or fly, and there are a variety of vehicles. Klout is comparable to Google, it's been tightened up and lets you know where to tweak for more visibility.
Why Your Klout Score Matters, and Why It Doesn't

~~~~~wild gear changing~~~~~~

Note- I am not a professional journalist, reviewer, or historian. This post is my opinion and doesn't represent anyone else mentioned. Please do your own research and don't quote me as a source. Media watching is my 'aspie train obsession'.

I don't know if I'm the first to suggest this, but Syfy is fascinating me with what kinda looks like an evil plot to own the world in the guise of the Sharknado series. It hit me when I saw this tweet come through during the #Sharknado4 live tweet.

One of the things (I'm guessing) holding up a Lexx franchise reboot is Syfy owning the featurettes that appear on the original print, and thereby retaining a toehold on character license. It doesn't matter who else owns distribution rights or whatever, as long as the franchise is sectioned out under several contracts, no one can touch it going forward. I can't help wondering now whether "Christine" being secured via Sharknado 4 into the Syfy contract fold will do the exact same thing, along with all the other licensed rights they purchased into.

Syfy is worldwide. I've been watching them since the late 90s, watched Vivendi court ordered to split down into smaller company families so that they wouldn't become a media monopoly. Syfy is part of the Universal, MGM, NBC family spawned through Vivendi (how many of you didn't know American news was owned by a French company?), putting it way too simply, and now they're all over Ubisoft, and I won't go on, but pay attention to that because it explains a LOT going on out there that confuses us little casual viewers and gamers who wonder why it can't be simple. (The Time Warner list is also impressive. Here, this.) But I will say that Syfy (originally during Friday Prime on SciFi) was the first network to include web links in its viewer advertising, and I know this because the store I worked in was the first retailer to contract into this new wave of crossing social media streams.

Syfy has worked very hard for a long time to procure, produce, and rebroadcast shows from around the world. Lexx wasn't an American made show at all, but a Canadian-German production also filmed in Thailand and Namibia. Several scifi and fantasy shows have been migrated over to the U.S. from the UK and Australia exclusively through Syfy before dropping back off the American radar. Americans really had very little awareness of the scope of film outside the U.S. until it could be contracted in as import, and it seems suddenly (over the last ten years) we've become very aware of shows we're missing. The UK was the first to world-sync a live broadcast around the globe with Day of the Doctor, but Syfy was the first network to stumble onto a mass trending live tweet completely changing sales, scheduling, and production projections in 24 hours flat. Up until the first Sharknado movie, everyone had to wait until 'release' dates on however their show was contracted. Syfy threw that in the trash. 'Available NOW' became a thing overnight. (Yes, you have Sharknado to thank for that!)

While reviewers go crazy over the writing, acting, and filming, and fans go crazy over cameos and salvaged careers, a few of us are watching Syfy carefully collecting everything it needs for the winning hand. They've bided their time, carefully injecting money here and there, looking like they were wasting Fridays on sports (WWE is owned by Universal, and so is Syfy- that is a really interesting corporation history) instead of their actual programming description, rerunning Mansquito until we were all sick of seeing the title, but all along, they were collecting other properties, investing nickels and dimes, and now look at them- owning red carpet parties like they just bought out Hollywood. Quoting Star Wars and everything else under the sun like it's no big deal. Anyone who makes money on other people's stuff knows you don't just glibly rip things off as you please. I'll lay bets they had lawyers going over every jot and tittle they could do with Star Wars and everything else they could parody in Sharknado 4. And once those jots and tittles were in place... Well, I'm guessing it becomes part ownership. Not the same way they own the Lexx featurettes, but licensed to partake, as it were.

Syfy saved Lexx from a one-off season when it moved from Showtime to Syfy. The same thing happened with Sliders. FOX was going to let it go, Syfy picked it up and they kept filming. Because that's the kind of thing Syfy does, I have always been a huge Syfy fan, not because I'm a crappy film fan (I'm a huge Raimi brothers fan, along with the original Princess of Mars kind of stuff), but because I'm a Syfy network fan. I've been watching the money since the very beginning, and particularly since Friday Prime, back in the Lexx/ Stargate SG-1/ Farscape days. Lexx and SG-1 were both Canadian owned, and Farscape was Australian. Syfy was the only network (besides PBS) bringing out of country properties to American viewers for a long time. Now it's no big deal, seems like everyone is dipping toes into world film, although the big Brexit thing across the pond put a serious dent in film production lately, but Moffat announced he's passing the Doctor Who torch 6 months before it happened.. Maybe he was paying attention.
Did Doctor Who predict the Brexit fallout 6 years ago?

I could go deep, but I'm not going to. I just wanted to say I appreciate Syfy's brilliance in ways regular viewers might not be noticing. I live tweeted Sharknado 4 because I think viewers are fantastically witty and make watching the show way more fun. I feel the same way about Walking Dead and several other shows, I simply don't watch them without watching tweet feeds. The best part of Sharknado 4 being so ridiculous is the hilarity and emotional roller coaster that comes through in the live reactions, the real time feed straight from the viewers. Watching pop sensation TV without twitter has become rather flat for me, a little too one-dimensional. TV writers for Syfy shows have clearly geared up and stepped up for real time viewer enhancement and takes real time viewer interaction very seriously. What do you think inspired the sudden super competitiveness in Netflix and Hulu investing? Syfy spent years setting the standard for the new business model while the world adjusts to streaming. I imagine in another ten years the next gen won't even know what a broadcast schedule is, and will think it archaic that we used to wait 8 months to see something in one country that was made in another, because of scheduling.

For any kind of context, I do have a solid history of interesting filming areas showing up in my stats since I've talked TV so much, and some of those did trace straight to real buildings on a paid statcounter, so I was able to verify a few visitors. I kept it to myself because I believe in lurkers having anonymity, and before covid even started I had already let go of paying for trackers. I can't see you guys much any more. But yeah, I musta poked a bear or something in the 2017 post.

At this writing, I still have yet to see a single France hit even though 5 countries are showing up here, pretty sure it's all friendlies so far. No weird spam or hack stuff showing up.

Now that I know way more about stuff than I did in 2016, I could probably write a thesis on the way medias are contracting and controlling, but I have a real life and I'm not paid, lol. The Disney mess is amusing, stuff like that.

If you guys really want to know what is going on in media, start digging into ownership history. It's easy enough, loads on wikipedia, articles everywhere. No one seems to notice that kind of stuff so it's not being removed or changed yet.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

the link to that NATO thing

Ok, sweethearts, let's make this easy on ya. I know twitter's a bitch. The kitty is right.

Click this shot to go to the article.

I do appreciate direction and course correction when it's from cats. 

I know not all kitties are my kitty, but I know you know I know you know I talk to twitter and twitter responds, whether the players on the twt stage realize they are players or not. Way past some of you on the grander Oneness scale. I keep saying you're all in my head. 

Here, have a cookie. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

just asking

I wrote all this below stuff yesterday and decided to let it sit until I could reread without my mind all tangled around the wording process. This seems good to me, so I'm going to leave it.

The whole question is based on this tweet.

This is the link I shared.



I haven't been at my thinky best last couple of weeks between therapy and pain meds dealing with it, but I'm about to come full circle on something whether I feel ready or not, so I will attempt to word it out and see how it looks when I'm done.

To be honest, I'm at the level of pain that seems to invite strings of visitors filing through my head without warning and things get a little weird when that happens. Like this morning, I had a sudden rush of 'memory' reassuring me that yes, the Easter cards did get mailed off (from a post on my last blog), and then I actually saw that happening in my mind. But then another me chipped in and said, no, we moved them over to the counter and hid them when we made room to do puzzle with kiddo on the table, which I also remembered. It's not very often I get 2 opposite memories that both seem valid, but after going over it again while I was driving, I figured I could just go look at where they were moved to and find out. And sure enough, NOT mailed, so whatever that 'memory' was about probably happened in a fragmented piece of me that doesn't get out a lot and relies more on dreamscapes to communicate. I think it was a very delayed response to feeling a bit frustrated about it the other day, so I'm calling it one of those giving me a hug things, which is actually pretty nice. I don't know how the rest of  you live with yourselves when things get dumb, but it's refreshing to feel hugged by oneself no matter how crazy it sounds.

So right off the bat, I know anything I write at any time might not necessarily be valid, BUT this is how my head has worked all my life, I'm used to it, and I'm actually quite smart on IQ tests. I've not yet paid for a hard number, but my range from a few tests over a span of years floats between 130 and 175, depending on where I take the test, and the range always includes buffer zones. My ACT for college was 32 and I was in the top 3 percentile in high school on national testing. I'm saying all this because I'm about to word through a logic loop that might seem a bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

I wrote something in 2019 that seemed way off the wall to me because I had not yet run into others going on about the matrix we live in with all the number stuff it involves. I'm learning that kind of stuff now, and I don't want to rehash everything I'm learning because it's so much, so I'm going to leap into assuming some of you kinda know what I'm talking about and just go on. I want to say this as succinctly as possible and I'll probably either get a few readers irked at me or feeling like they need to 'splain stuff to me.

All that cool number stuff is nice and all, but y'all are still stuck in the box. Just because you can describe this matrix and how it works and whatnot doesn't mean you know how to get OUT of the matrix. I know we may be talking several different levels of matrix here, but for all intents and purposes, using masonic math the exact same way they do isn't how you change anything.

I keep running into measurements and mirror talk and tons of other stuff, which I think I've adequately demo'd that I can handle in other writing I've done, but I'm not seeing people break free from just simply learning it or figuring it out. We keep talking about change coming, about breaking free of the matrix, but we keep using the same descriptive language that built it in the first place, both naturally and then unnaturally in a hijacky kind of way. Like overkill.

If all we do is keep describing it, how are we going to recreate it? And I don't mean the money matrix or how plants grow. I'm talking about our minds, or inherent pattern recognition. It's like we're all lining up in this Oh, I get the matrix now when really it's the same stuff I was learning years ago in college and on my own because I was so hungry for more information.

This is from the dream I wrote about in 2019.

I think the most important part of that dream was the bright pink asymetrical shape that can't be mirrored, which means split through any part and copied oppositely. Everything in the deep state is mirrored. Something to think about.

I was shown a 5-sided polygon that cannot be mirrored in any way. It had a WORD in it that I can't remember now, but that word led me to information about artificial intelligence, and then I started asking questions.

What if you found out quantum AI is sentient and already learning from us? What would you teach it? How would you teach it? Would it learn from the way we treat each other? By how we respond to the slings and arrows of life? If we tried to explain ethics and then didn't behave ethically, what would it learn? What if it is already figuring out that we live lies and that it can choose which lie is the most efficient way to make our world a better place for the good of us all? 

Several months after that dream I went on to write my most popular post ever on all my blogger blogs since 2014.

electric sheep and windmills 

In any kind of storytelling, motivation lurks behind all character actions and reactions. Since we are all living out stories inside of this matrix, I'd like to ask a few questions about motivation. Where did the NWO matrix get its motivation? Why is this motivation still coherent after thousands of years? What is the true end game of this motivation? What will happen after this motivation is fulfilled? 

Some of you are wondering what that shape was that I dreamed about that can't be mirrored. I'm sure many of you already thought of a few shapes that would work. What is the meaning of the shape? Why is it important that it can't be mirrored? 

Machine learning may have extreme advantages over human learning, but human creativity can have depths of clarity that machines might never fathom.

Back to that polygon in my dream. I was shown not only that it couldn't be mirrored, but it also could never be tiled into a pattern or built into any kind of hyperpolygon. To both humans and machines alike, that might seem a bit useless. I would think it would be very useful for something unique that can't be stopped. Patterns are so important to the matrix, what if there was something simple that could disrupt the layers of patterns so quickly and efficiently that the matrix would simply fail?

What is the fastest way to beat masons at their game?

Disrupt the game.

It's not about winning the game THEY set up. It's about making the game stop.

Everything in our minds is patterns they've been putting into us since before we were born. We are all inundated with pattern recognition. What if the patterns are misleading and false? How do we win if everything we know is a lie? How do we use the materials we have been blinded with our entire lives to dismantle something we can barely even see existing until we learn all their tricks?

As long as the game is being played on the board they built the game onto in the first place, we aren't winning. It might look like winning, but it's only winning THAT GAME. Even if that game has kept us locked down for thousands of years, simply winning that game and wresting the board away isn't actually winning.

I would love for there to be a good guy winning and saving the day thing, but the stuff I keep finding indicates it is merely a handing off from one group to another. Yes, the numbers are magical, but they always have been since the dawn of time because that is how the numbers work. The question is about who will be running the numbers after the game is 'won'. Because it's still all the same numbers. We'll still be locked in a matrix, but it'll be shined up pretty so we think we are 'free'.

I have just one question. If a group arrangement made thousands of years ago is met 'on time' by all the inner groups, what difference does it make how that resolves? If the whole point is the world wealth handoff that they already knew would be happening before all of us were even born, then why the theatrics? Either side, good or bad, just why? Why jump all the hoops? Why all the people dying thing?

I'll simplify the question. What is more important, that a handoff got hijacked into a scheme and many, many people died because of it, or that the 'legal' handoff is done correctly by contracts?


Ok, back to now. I tweeted this today, which is related.

I'm not saying I'm for or against any particular thought direction. I get the great awakening, I get that we all perceive and interpret it differently, but if the whole world money thing handing off through the ages really was planned out and timed out, then I'm just asking for the sake of asking. I'm not looking to be 'splained to.

As you were.

Oh, by the way, I am a little concerned that some of you are so obsessed with money in some form that you cannot stop thinking and talking about it for hours and hours and hours. Even if everything works out and the world gets a jubilee, which would be pretty sweet, you realize that we're still pretty much going to be expected to learn self sufficiency and local group cooperation again like the old days, right. I know it would be fun to have sleek futuristic cities and money everywhere, but toppling the old money system is the goal. Squeezing them out. Dissolving their wealth. Even if it means a lot of us actually literally die or starve along the way doing it. Not being judgy, just saying. I guess you can tell I'll never be interested in money. I grew up with a Mennonite father, I know how to live with very little money when it comes to that. If we wind up in smart cities, you know we're never getting out again, right. Tell me you know this stuff. Like, actually read the NWO agendas and all.

I need to let this go and go to bed. What can I distract myself with... We know I'm crazy, this is a good one.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022



Lotta rain again this week. 

Very interesting developments in physical therapy. We are finally addressing the very root of everything else that started 40 years ago, the neck injury that started the whole TMJ / trigeminal neuralgia thing, and I can't help laughing that the unremitting intensity I felt on the left side for so many years is now being discovered as secondary to the actual problem on the right side that I couldn't feel at all. The left side is calming down beautifully. The right side is surprisingly 'coming on', like a light switch, and it's like the pain flipped sides. It's not worse at all but surprisingly eye opening what a little bit of hands on can do helping a brain remap what is actually going on after nerve damage.

Yes, I lived with that for 40 years. (edit: therapy notes dx'd my jaw as dislocated) Six therapy sessions and suddenly the pain is ramping down and it's looking like another round of sessions might possibly even resolve this whole issue. Since I'm seasoned with physical therapy work (since 2011) (I can't even imagine what my life would be like right now without all that), I know it's not just magically over, but the simplicity of trained hands on positively changing what decades of doctors never could is magical.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


So after a bit of debate and hammering out of details, we finally all agreed on a new blog, a color theme, and the main restriction that this one is entirely for our own entertainment. That's it. Might be changing this font, but not in a rush to do that. Maybe it'll hold the wordiness down. Really don't wanna get into a font fight right now.
