-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif



About Me

Hi guys, 😊thanks for stopping by.

I've been public blogging since 2004, much of which can be reached through the links in the header on this blog. If you are new to me, I'll shortcut and share that I'm a crazy mess of diagnoses and most people who know me in person are Meh, who cares, because I do a pretty good job dealing. All the same, it might help to know that I'm autist, bipolar, dissociated, and extra special memory glitchy from an illness that hit my brain pretty hard that same year. Blogging is how I remember things later.

My favorite color is blue, my nickname is Pinky, my real name is Jan, and my game name is YabloVH. I have other alts that go by Jacky, Claudia, Lydia, and Sasha, but I don't notate who is blogging. We know there are more, like the kid with the bike, but we aren't pursuing it. It took a long time to work all this out, and I still can't keep 11 years straight after a very traumatic event happened. But all good, still held jobs and got a degree and raised a family and married nearly 30 years now.

That's it for the shortcut. Here's a cookie.

:edit: My other About Me pages and sites. They all have different content, I never just paste over. My transparency growth through the years is a little mind blowing, considering how reticent I was to be public in the first place.

I did the unthinkable - 2012

Before I Ever Had a Blog - 2014

Robot Test Site - 2014

pinkyguerrero - 2014

I have yet to come across a help article for compulstive reading addiction - 2014

didn't abandon base camp - 2015

pinky - 2018

Pinky at SyfyDesigns - 2018

Lexxperience at SyfyDesigns - 2018

Here comes April, again- 2020

pinkfeldspar - 2021

reality unleashed - 2021

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