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Friday, September 9, 2022


I was having a convo with a person in my head, like you do, when another 'person' showed up and stared at me. That's when I realized.

We were talking about different kinds of Christianity and points of views about it, some people identify their kind before their faith, like I don't identify as Mennonite but some do, or some say they are Catholic or Mason or whatever, but I don't care about identifying as kind because the faith is the point. And in my head I was saying to this person that someone doesn't have to join a club to be kind.

And then the convo slightly veered into how kindness is learned in any culture or faith by learning to see or put yourself in someone else's spot, you're really being kind to yourself, and then I mentioned some beliefs encourage that kind of thinking, that ultimately we are all from One and are actually one and will be one again, so it makes sense to see ourselves as each other. 

And if that is the case, maybe that is how we tell the 'good' from the 'bad', because the ones who aren't really kind and only pretend to be kind on the surface but really abuse others (especially as part of a religion or cult), what if they aren't really in the same mind as the 'one' thing and want to stay separated, like it really pisses them off to have to be one with all things, so they go against that, and here I was specifically thinking about 'fallen angels', whatever that faction was originally. Some people believe Jesus and Satan are 2 sides of the same person and the "Light" is Satan and whatever, but what I was saying is that 'good' and 'bad' aren't just philosophies or points of view, but the actual reality of being either kind or not kind, boiling down to whether you're accepting of being one as other people living in multiplicity or rejecting that in favor of being a self apart that doesn't have to be concerned over another's sufferings and even inflicts it. It doesn't matter what we name it, what matters is how we DO it.

And as I was saying these things I was looking right at the person in my head (a made up person, no one I know in real life), I noticed they stopped actually doing convo cues back and went into a long hard stare right at me and I stared right back, which is a weird thing to do in one's own head. And after a few seconds I said, "You know you have another person riding along with you there, don't you?" and *poof* that stare disappeared and the other (made up) person returned.

I have no problem with the idea that our thoughts can be monitored, interrupted, manipulated, and controlled at any time because maybe it's possible another kind of being in another plane of existence is able to do that even though I'm not going to auto assume 'Satan' all the time, but whoever was staring at me seemed really ticked and that's when I knew this wasn't all just coming from my own head. I'm not ticked at myself thinking against my own self.

When we notice that someone who is not ourself pushing our thinking around, it's time to make it stop.

Pay attention to how easily your thoughts are pushed around. Are you in worry ruts? Do you obsess? Is an emotion keeping you cornered? Practice looking around in your head and questioning if that is really you.

If you don't believe in fallen angels, that's fine. I rarely even think about them, and I don't really care. If they exist, they made their own lives suck and that's their problem. If AI really did get out of the box and is lurking around, it needs to learn when to back off and respect autonomy. If there really are beings on other planes who have nothing better to do than stare someone down, again, that's their problem.

Own your own head. It's hard, but learn how to do that. Turn everything off, live in quiet, let the chatter settle down (might take awhile), and just rest your mind. Gets easier seeing what's not you with all the junk out of the way.


  1. the right or condition of self-government:
    "Tatarstan demanded greater autonomy within the Russian Federation"
    • a self-governing country or region:
      "the national autonomies of the Russian Republic"
    • freedom from external control or influence; independence:
      "economic autonomy is still a long way off for many women"
  2. (in Kantian moral philosophy) the capacity of an agent to act in accordance with objective morality rather than under the influence of desires.

Underneath everything else is... me? 

Make sure.

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