-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, August 1, 2022

day 1 of 21

That time I had a baby nether scorpion stuck on my arm and it couldn't go back home through the portal with me.

I named it Steve.

So as I was saying in previous posts, I wound up in deep ocean upon landing but had enough resources around me on nearby islands and land masses to pull what I needed to grow over to my landing point, and over time I scraped up manually from the stone age to enchanted diamond tools, and now the plan is scaffolding out a template for massive ocean building.

This is only the beginning. On multiplayer I lived on a spread about 4 times this size for several years. I really miss it. People said it was unique, and I'm going for that again.

It sucketh mightily to go after sea lanterns, so I purchased them with stacks of mined other blocks. Still only doing creative to fly up and get pix. Got this pic in survival while I was nearly drowning, lol.

So I'm off social medias now for 21 days, maybe I'll wind up reading books. 😁😂😄 For years I was the kind of person who haunted libraries and book stores. I've read thousands of books in this life. Last decade I've ben reading the whole internet, so now I'm taking a break from that. I've got pretty music on my TV via youtube while I do laundry and cook off stacks of netherrack and cobble, have been committed to liquids only since I woke up this morning, only thing besides water was a cup of coffee with a little cream, 1 cup of milk with a scoop of protein powder, and a tiny bottle of apple juice that I sipped on for 2 hours. Now I've got bbq chicken in the oven to put with steamed broccoli. If I can hold out I'm going to do the scoop of protein in the milk again tonight. I really don't mind feeling hungry because it's so easy to distract myself, but I've had a thyroid med dose cut twice fairly drastically in the last 6 months and it's messing with my metabolism. I haven't been on such a low dose since I was in my 20s. The only big change, besides correcting a D deficiency, was stopping Estradiol completely. I've been asking every doctor I've seen over the last 6 years if a cream can affect TSH uptake like a birth control pill does and they all kept saying it shouldn't. I might be proving it does.

Ok, here's my meal today. It's on a salad plate. I almost never use a full sized plate, they get in the way. I walk around with food.

Doesn't hurt to take vitamins, too. 

I broke and got a serving of tortilla chips and melted shredded cheese on. Easing into this skipping meals thing.

Today's intel is at Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 1, 2022 | Operation Disclosure Official. I'd normally put that on twitter but I'm abstaining.

Maybe more tomorrow. I'm usually in bed within an hour after Tucker and I wanna go lay down.

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