-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif



Sunday, July 31, 2022

21 days

I'm going to jump into a 21-day fast with a group starting on Aug 1st which will also include staying off all social media. I'll still blog and be available for multiplayer gaming since that is psychological support for people stuck in situations dealing with everything from anxiety to terminal illness. I'll also be available on my usual direct messaging apps for people needing to reach me personally.

The fasting options are 
  • 1, 2, or 3 meals a day
  • 21-day Daniel fast
  • Liquids only
  • Sunrise to Sunset
  • Additionally, medias like TV, movies, and social medias
I'm choosing liquids fasting for 2 meals a day at least 3 days a week, liquids fasting for 1 meal a day the other days. I am diabetic without medication control. I'm in the habit of carb counting, and I sometimes forget to eat all day, which you'd think would make this a cinch, but I also have a spoonie history and can't *just* stop eating without crashing into walls when I don't pay attention. In my 20's I could hardcore fast whenever I wanted for days at a time, doesn't work that way for me now. I know from experience that I feel better and have more energy when I fast, plus it's a great way to control my A1C as long as I don't carb load on the meals I do eat.

Side note on the way I eat in general.
  • I have absolutely no wheat in my diet in any form since 2014 when I very suddenly developed anaphylaxis reactions to it.
  • The only liquids I drink are bottled or filtered water (osmosis), milk, 1 cup of coffee a day, and occasional decaf green tea. I never drink sweetened drinks even if it has no calories. Juices are used extremely sparingly since I'm diabetic.
  • I avoid big meals, preferring much smaller amounts of food at a time.
  • I avoid rice and potatoes at least 6 days out of 7 because it's just too much starch and spikes glucose.
  • I use a prebiotic whey based protein mix from https://greensfirst.com/ when I miss getting proteins other ways.
  • I like vegetables pan roasted in a little olive oil with aged balsamic and parmesan.
  • I also like oats in some form if I feel I need some kind of carb boost for some reason. Doesn't take much to feel full.
  • Cheese is my friend. I feel sorry for people who can't eat cheese.
  • I get organic eggs from my chickens.
  • I'm not afraid of butter and bacon. I lost 50 pounds one year eating all the butter and bacon I wanted. It's the sugar and carb loading that kills us.
  • I'm not very into salt. I rarely salt anything.
Transparency- My mom said she craved lots of waffles and syrup and fudgesicles when she was pregnant with me, plus she was on darvocet. I was born addicted and grew up on plenty of sugar despite living on an organic farm. By the time I was in my late 40s I was so crippled I could barely move around my house until a doctor finally diagnosed me with diabetes, which took a heavy toll on my liver and kidneys and my immune system. Since I changed my diet in 2011 I have been regaining my health to the point where I can nearly pass for normal now, including a physical stress test on a treadmill. I'm 60. My organ problems have all gotten much better, my health is very stable now, and doctors tell me I'm young for my age. I was fast tracking to an early death, now I'm completely off that track and doing fantastic. If you are looking for help with your health and diet plans, consider finding supportive groups that regularly go through fasting together so you'll have people you can check in with and not be alone. Even if you're not a churchy person, some of the best fasting groups are with churchy people. If you've never fasted before, you need to consider your activity level before you start, or start slow and easy. Fasting doesn't work if you fill up the holes with sugars and starches instead of proteins and healthy fats.

If you are diabetic and don't know where to start with carb counting, I wrote a couple of articles you might find very helpful.

If you would like to find more support online for fasting, I put this into my search bar, there are youtubes and a fasting support blog.

Personal opinion- Some kinds of food are as addicting as drugs for some people and it can be very hard to change that lifestyle all on your own. This is what the deep state and big pharma want. The best way you can fight NWO, WHO, and the United Nations agendas is to get healthy so you can be good for the people around you.

Back to the fasting list. I'm also choosing to stay off all social medias for 21 days because I don't think I've done that since I came back out public in 2012. I made a promise to check in publicly since no one knew what happened to me when I went completely off grid for nearly two years and watched people who knew who I was in fandoms persistently checking my sites to see if I was ok or something. Since I've come out public as a real person, more people all over the world check on me sometimes daily than they do on my fandom content. I promised to never leave anyone hanging like that again.

Best wishes to anyone considering making this huge decision and changing your life. You are important and deserve better. I love you.

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