-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Thursday, July 28, 2022

game gold

*Caution for language in the 3rd paragraph down.
Nevermind, I censored it.

We interrupt this post for a complete rewrite. Disregard the caution.

(bunch of deleted stuff)

Back to gaming. The big group communication fail was that they filled chat up with wordy passive aggressive complaints without directly calling anyone out by name and correcting them. I ran off to group email, titled it "BLUE FOR MAP 3" and wrote one line "Stay on blue, thx", and immediately one of the players self corrected. They didn't even have to open the email, the instructions showed up just fine. Passive aggressive fail is FAIL. Learn this and your life will go way easier. We lost our best player over that fail.

Another decision I had made during gaming in that guy's huge shadow was closing down some of my cities because his demands were too high for casual game play and experimentation. He was a rigid playing in a weekly rut kind of guy and that's what he taught other players to do with their gaming, as well. Since I've escaped I've opened my other cities back up and it's been marvelous and very relaxing. When I closed them down, I just ripped it all out and sold everything off, which gave me so much freedom coming back to plan the cities back out that it's been extremely pleasurable.

Back to school is also my happy place. I've always loved back to school shopping. I get great sales on my own stuff. I hadn't splurged on new anything in years while the kids were here and the surgeries and my dad dying and stuff, so this summer I very much enjoyed hitting the sales and refreshing my inner wardrobe and pajamas and a couple of things I was needing in the house. And today I did really big grocery shopping because we finally had the money in between stuff. I even enjoyed the weird summer heat in a way. It was so out of season that it seemed weirdly beautiful the way everything dried up, and then last night the rain finally started and kept going today and we might get more through the week, so even though our garden burned up (despite constant watering), we might still get a few tomatoes after all. And the chickens seem to have survived the heat ok, still eating and laying and not picking on each other.


Ok, so I didn't rewrite, I just deleted stuff.

Sunglasses won't stay on.

Neither will the shoes. 

If you get a surprise shopping for phones, it was us. 😂 

Trying to grow out my bangs. I can't get them to stop looking so dramatic.

Looking up the latest publisher calling and leaving a message. Office near the beach?

From 2015. I linked a Sept 2015 thread on TruthSocial.


I'm proud to have given birth to this person.


I know, just playing around on my new phone. If the world were nicer I'd share loads more. Oh, well.

Oh, yeah, we had a sort of fugitive in the area the other night.

Not the first time very wasted persons have walked around the area trying to get into cars and whatnot. One nearly OD'd just feet from my driveway one year, cop saved his life.

We need pretty things here. Hang on while I get them. I got them off twitter.

When we think on beautiful things, we create our beautiful selves.

I love you.

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