-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Sunday, July 31, 2022

dream state of mind

The dream I just woke up from was weirdly not any kind of my usual in any format, but now that I've woken up this way from it, I recognize that it's connected to other dreams.

I had lost my watch (I don't wear a watch), which was big and klunky with round face, but I'd found another watch with a square face and was wearing it. There was way more before and some after, but it was at the point where I was about to keep the other watch that my dad showed up, and he only shows up in my dreams to literally wake me up from nightmares, just about never any other time. But instead of waking up this time I started looking around me more.

In the dream I had to drive around looking for an office I had an appointment in. I wasn't able to park close so I had to walk a ways lugging around something semi heavy. Whatever that was changed a little but wound up being a strange purse (the kind I'm not fond of and never buy) by the time I got to a waiting room.

In the waiting room were people I knew supposedly in real life, although now that I'm awake I don't recognize them, even though I still feel like I knew them from somewhere. We had all been scheduled for some kind of checkup (check in?) and it was a bit bizarre compared to real life waiting rooms. On one end of the room was what looked like a Christmas shop but was also like a Christmas wiki jammed full of everything you never really knew about Christmas, with a big desk and a few service people. It was nearly like something retail but not really, more like a Christmas subscription service along the lines of insurance reps helping people map out their Christmas plans. I wasn't interested in a plan so I didn't stay over there long.

After that I got a special tweet from someone I don't usually tweet with but did briefly months ago. The tweet came with a rolled up piece of paper that shared how that person had found a special group of people whose history went way back and they were all about organizing something, and whoever was reading this could also join. I'm not real clear on what they were about now that I'm awake.

Part of my wait was in a big empty hallway with only one other person talking to me while I changed out my top, not sure if I was putting on a scrub top. Then I had to go back to the regular waiting room, which had different people in it when I got back. I started wondering what was taking so long, then I couldn't find my watch, then I found someone else's watch and put it on. That was when my dad showed up.

Soon afterward, a sort of nurse administrator or something came to get me and walked me to another office area with a nearly empty room with a round table where she was going to get some blood, and nothing about that room was health care, more like just an empty room in a big office building. She was talking to me like I should remember her and I didn't, and she was concerned that I wasn't wearing the right watch and that they were having trouble getting something out of me. In the dream it was like she was saying they couldn't get a good blood draw, but now that I'm awake I can see it had absolutely nothing to do with a blood draw, more like they couldn't get what they wanted from my head and why was I not cooperating.

So I started just talking about nonsense and apparently woke myself up. And now that I'm awake, she seems very familiar, like from several extremely different dreams that have popped back into mind since then, including this one 👉(I've been told to SHUT UP)  and another one about having a baby and an arm cut off and something in my brain or something, different building.

I feel like this dream is connected to my phone change.

Speaking of phone change, these new phones are crap for privacy right off the bat. I've been able to keep my worlds apart for years, have been unsearchable as both pen name and real name, but since I got my new phone, the 'publisher' scammers (they're NOT publishers) are not only using my real name now, but asking my real name if I know my pen name, there is something very important they have to tell me. My new phone allows me to share phone messages, I'm thinking about sharing this last one to my blog. Anyway, I demonstrated how the blog monitoring briefly stopped after my old phone was deactivated and mentioned that the calls stopped but then stepped way up after that. The thing with buying a new phone is that the second you turn it on and log into anything google, it's immediately trying to sync and share before you can turn that off, and it found all my stuff before I even got home with it. Then when I paired my phones to shift my storage over, my new phone took it upon itself (thank you, AI) to establish all the things I'd kept apart as one whole. And suddenly the 'literary agent' scam callers know both my names. I went many years keeping those names apart.

It's like they're letting me know that I'm still being heavily monitored. This last dream was obviously directed. When a person in a dream pumps me for information and I'm supposed to explain something that I already know to someone who has nothing to do with me in real life in any fashion, or when a person in a dream tells me what I'm not supposed to be talking about, THAT is suspect. Most of my dreams are simply doing things or figuring something out or watching something. I rarely ever go through direct prodding like that.

I don't think I was supposed actually remember this dream person as a person. I wasn't supposed to wake up when I did. I think my dad disrupted it when I found the other watch and put it on. After that I felt more aware of what was going on in the dream.

This is why I might tell someone not to tell me who they are in real life. Several very obvious things started synching after I tightened up that minecraft seed, and the weirdness in real life is getting weirder.

I'm not behaving and AI wants to know why. We're all supposed to be in patterns.

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