-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2022


I've lost where I got that artwork from so I went over to tineye to see where it originated from, and earliest found is Feb 7, 2008 on someone's photobucket that is no longer there, and apparently it proliferated across the webs since then and got used for other things, so I guess it's just public now. I really like it.

So the whole root canal thing wound up referring to a specialist in Springfield, and I got that done this morning, yay.

While I'm swimming through this amount of pain in my *face* (2 months of physical therapy on dislocated jaw and a tooth blowing up on that side right by the joint, whee), I'm just super gaming my way through chores around the house. It's too hot out this week to go hang out with the chickens, which is fine, it'll give my chigger bites time to stop itching. Chiggers are teeny weeny and you can't see or feel them, grass in SW MO is thick with them. The bites itch like mad for about 3 days and then it's just over unless you're dumb enough to scratch them open and complicate getting over it. I use solarcaine, slap that stuff on and numb the itch, seems to work pretty well. Anyway, so I'm hanging out in two different gaming servers just staying busy. I'd like to read but I keep falling asleep on these pain pills, which has been pretty nice because I've lost so much sleep last couple months that it's been blissful to catch up a bit.

Also been a little lurky, checking on a few people here and there seeing how they're doing and stuff. I'm feeling super reclusive last few weeks, probably pretty normal for autist in boosted pain levels, and I'm especially not caring much about anything going on the news. I've been marathoning the Sliders series and several Star Wars movies, when Scott's home after work or on weekends we've been rewatching the Wheel of Time and Obi-Wan series. Other projects around the house are including converting one of the upstairs bedrooms to a crafting room, plus it's got a desk and TV so it'll be like a chick den. Dunno what Scott will do with the other bedroom but I'm sure it'll be way more guy. And we're working on expanding the garden. We've had small gardens spread out like little islands around the yard and under the kitchen window for years, but I'd like to get a bit more serious about it, so Scott staked out a length of yard to commit to getting some fresh dirt, mulch, and aged muck from a horse farm up the road to prepare for some real small time farming, lol. Kinda have a feeling we'll be needing stuff to trade with other neighbors doing gardens if the food eco keeps spiraling.

So that's what's up if anyone is wondering and I'm not bouncing around on medias or picking up the phone.

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