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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, May 23, 2022


I run into other people once in awhile talking about remembering past lives and even listing them. I like reading what they have to say but I've noticed very few mention experiencing being anything other than human or humanoid. 

I have always remembered being a horse. I've mentioned feeling angry as a child that I was stuck being a human. I've shared details of the most memorable dream in my life starting out with a horse. Here and there I bring up horses. Lately I've been a little more focused back on my memories from then.

We get to try everything out when we come here. I'm one of the more splash and go types, I love trying out all the different ways to see and feel and do. I was never concerned much with details around words until this particular life, even though I've been human a few times.

My most vivid memory of being a horse involves a small field in moonlight with the usual night sounds, a lone small tree, lightly rolling scrub nearby, the herd a ways off. I was grazing alone when I met my first human. He was very quiet. He never bothered me, just stayed still. Whenever I came back to that area, sometimes he would be there, but when he wasn't I would wonder where he was. I got used to him being around.

Time passed, as it always does. The most important memory I have in that life is developing trust with a very patient person. Which is interesting since I inherently trust no one in this life.

That's honestly all I feel like saying about it. As much as I've written for years, it feels like putting words to that very special relationship would spoil the memory. My first human love was a deeply soul-satisfying spiritual bond as a nonhuman, and there is nothing like that living inside a human body.

I've said a few times during this life that next life I want to be a dog and grow up with a little boy. I want want years of simple very special love. No words.

I need a vacation from words. This has been very hard. If you've seen all my blogs, you know what I mean.

I agreed to be born into this life to write words. It is very important because people get lost in words being used as a mind game that traps them and makes them sad and miserable. I'm not good at peopling. I don't regret this life and all I've been through but my spirit is more like the wind, the breath of life moving around, tickling those I touch. Earlier this spring when the new really bright green baby leaves in the forest were coming out I wanted to be the wind feeling them all as I passed through. I love the smell of the earth waking up but being part of it is better than seeing and smelling it. Being able to touch every tree in a forest all at once is it's own special exhilarating gift of touch to another kind of life.

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