-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Monday, May 2, 2022


click to buy the puzzle

I need to play with tables again.

A Haiku

Floating in a dream sublime
Lost in reverie
And quiet musing

Where no painful tug of time
Could fade memory
And fear of losing

No distraction could malign
Ardent gaucherie
No fate misusing

All the ways we intertwine
Caustic misery
Of soul abusing

Just a sky in summertime
Over deep blue sea
Sunlight suffusing

I haven't played with tables in ages. I wish I could do this with my life.

I have a weakness for coffee mugs. I try to hold it down to window shopping. My collection is ridiculous enough. This site has loads of awesome hand painted mugs, just click the cup.

I need to find some more antique looking lace socks.

click to get the cross stitch pattern

I'm super ready to just get back to my life now. I'm satisfied I've found what I needed and wanted to know about all the things out in the internet wilds, and I've also resolved the angsty Pinky problems I had autopsied out across my blog fleet, and I just really really really need to lose myself in wording again. Also, I'm still a bit obsessed with purging my phone before it croaks off for real because it's so old, and if I can get it to a manageable archive, I'll start sharing what's left to blogs again. I have some pretty hot potato stuff in there.

I mean, I'll still get out there and yap, I just need to center and hold it down to a quieter lurker focus on a dig I started awhile back. I never dreamed strayhen would make it this long.

I'm also still watching my boyfriend Tucker raspberry the deep state propo, but I don't really care any more about who's right and wrong, who's a clone or whatever, blah blah blah. Yeah, I think the psyops are an amusing tangle of absurdity and I kinda feel sorry for the ones lagging behind sort of getting it and trying to figure it out, but I'm ready for the powers that be to get the mess cleaned up. I don't mind that it's taking a long time and it's not dragging me down to keep up a little bit with what narrative is currently trying to pull, but I've spent years on this now and I really need to go bead some earrings and stuff. I used to do stuff like that.

Also, I'm still getting 20K views a month on pinterest and I could be using that to relax once in awhile. I used to get lost in weird searches for things like "purple macaroni salad" and "black cheese".

I've also started minecrafting again. I'm toying around now with a particular seed I generated purposely to see whether the game responded to my overall internet experience and interactions. I know that's a laughable longshot, but my very first impression was yep, that landscape is probably exactly what the psychology of the seed I put in was about. I'm having an idea that I can sculpt this unique seed world I've created to reflect back through the interconnectedness of everything digital, and it's a very stringent experiment since it's singleplayer. I've noticed for a few years that I can affect a few things on internet, and I'm the sort that will test and test and test making sure, plus there are studies about things like that, so this a a deeply personally interactive attempt at just how connected is this connectedness. It's not just another random world doing random things or beating a challenge. This is heart and soul reaching out in the most restricted lurker way possible seeing whether what I do digitally influences the fractal matrix that interacts with me outside the game. Feel free to scoff, I don't care.

Don't worry, I won't completely disappear if I get lost in there.

click to see the poster

Can't believe I missed this Spirk vid, it's been out for years. NSFW.

Ok, let's get another one here for a brain cleanser, hang on. Ha, youtube started auto playing this one for me before I even searched anything right after I wrote Spirk up there (that first vid didn't have Spirk anywhere in the title, description, or tags and this next one has Spirk in the title) and it's so perfectly synched that I'll just grab it. The title alone cracked me up after that last one, plus I like it. So here you go. 

The fun thing about youtube auto suggesting is that I was actually searching Sherlock but not that song title but for some reason that was what came up first but I wasn't crazy about the vid, so I tried Star Trek and bam, now youtube is playing games with me. Quite a lot of what I find is auto suggested without me inputting and it usually happens right after I've been in a blog editor. THAT is partly why I want to see if AI can 'read' what I'm thinking when there aren't any words going on, based on other internet interactions, and then translate that back out to interesting synchs happening in other places based on what I was doing in minecraft, without bringing it up elsewhere. And now AI can clearly see the challenge because I wrote it out, and it will probably be able to see the seed I used and correlate that in some very interesting ways to stuff on twitter or something. I get some really interesting feed synch going on when I focus on my own particular interests. I still want to get a post done about that one magical day on twitter where my feed all synched, to my utter delight. Does that mean I'm affecting other minds even when they aren't reading my own feed? Or maybe they're more suggestible to AI playing games with me? Whatever. I need to shut up now and let you get back to your lives.

:edit: I just noticed my time stamp is an hour off. I had that set for central, not sure what happened. I'll look into that later.

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