-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Friday, May 6, 2022

pale horse taking a day off

Good morning. Woke up naturally an hour before alarm after actually sleeping, yay.

Yesterday was rough as heck. Face looked puffy and a bit bruised from the ASTYM the day before. I've had ASTYM all over my body but never my face before this round of physical therapy. Apparently all the tiny musculature in one's face can become just as frozen with scar tissue as frozen shoulder. Actually got the payday grocery shopping done like that. Wasn't pleasant, you can probably imagine how that may have felt on top of a headache, made eating difficult so I just skipped it.


It's nice being able to move my jaw without it clicking every single time. It's nice feeling that smooth glide. It's nice being able to lay in bed any way I want without my neck and face feeling weird.

Today is super huge busy stuff. The 2-day yard sale starts today, and we're up super early to go help. It's in another town so I'm packing picnic and lining up all the stuff I need away from the house. I didn't get a whole lot scraped together to sell because this week has been so rough, but at least I got a few things out of the way. Someone is going to get a nice mixer and attachments for $5. I haven't used it since 2014 because that is the year I purged wheat from the house after the worst anaphylactic repeat flares I've ever been through and didn't stop till I completely stopped all wheat in every conceivable form from my life. I can't deep clean the attachment holes and the vent of wheat flour, so I just got a new mixer and moved on. Same with my beautiful heavy wooden rolling pin, I can't guarantee that all flour particles are completely off it, so someone is getting a really nice rolling pin for $3. Stuff like that.

I've heard we'll be bringing kiddo home with us to spend the night, so who knows what all will happen. I'm not prepared at all, but she's my joy and I'm sure we'll be fine.

This is me on the inside.

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