-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, Pinky, Janika, Basically Clueless PinkFeldspar, Living in Mirkwood (deleted), a leaf blowing by (this blog), and JaizyMay (current blog) in that order.
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-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Saturday, May 21, 2022


By strange twist of my own ignorant fate, I pulled a muscle in my back the day before vacation started. I'm still enjoying it, just in slow motion through a pain med.

I wonder sometimes how many real people retweeting the ascension accounts are miserable in real life. 5D 'rising above' and 'ascension flu' seem to go hand in hand.

I figured out many years ago that the physical medium is how we learn the emotional bridge that leads to spiritual growth, so I'm not seeing how simply 'rising above' solves existence conundrums. It seems many pushing this also push 420, which I lived through and arrived to the other side, so I feel like they are the ones who are stuck in a dream, as it were. Dope may be eye opening but it's not terribly enlightening on its own, which is why it's called dope.

The discipline it takes to gracefully survive excruciating pain and still retain balance between self and others has been my go-to. Until a person deals head on with spiritually conquering physical and emotional pain, a person cannot ascend above it. The magic is in the experience, the wisdom is in solving existence personally. Ignoring any part of it in any way is what gets a person stuck in shortcuts.

At any rate, dark night of the soul can strike at any age, and my vacation is choosing to walk beside an 8 year old so grief stricken in continual agony that I'm the only one not admonishing her to 'stop crying'. Pinky can see in the dark. Pinky knows how to get through soul crushing pain.

Anyone who knows me knows when I signal how bad things really are. Very few see through the murky depths that only God knows. Pinky sees multiple futures this week. Pinky has never yet been wrong predicting futures. Pinky is working on knitting a new timeline. Again.

Jacky calls it steering a sinking ship to shore.

Some people are very fragile. Sometimes tiny people need much more help than big people realize.

Lydia likes to color. I guess we'll see how tomorrow turns out.

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